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Microniser is a lot cheaper than other available systems thanks to its very low operating costs.


Two examples are presented hereafter under conditions deliberately unfavorable to Microniser. Higher air and/or water flow, longer usage time, etc., would further accentuate the lead of Microniser.


For all the details or to get a comparison specific for your installation, please contact us or download our documentation.



Microniser compared to air washer and hot steam systems in a humidification box.


Assumptions : 1750 h/year usage time, air flow of 10.000 m³/h, average climatic conditions in Uccle.


Conclusions :

  • On sales or renting, the financial advantage of Microniser® is substancial even under these unfavourable conditions. In this example, thanks the Rational Use of Energy and its low maintenance costs, the energy bill of the Microniser® is 8 times lower than that of the hot steam.

  • It is also worth noting that the Microniser installation can be added to your existing installation. As presented in the financial comparison, a Microniser installation will pay for itself in less than two years and your existing installation can stay as a simple inactive back-up. By renting Microniser you can make immediate savings without unlocking an investment budget.





Microniser compared to a refrigerating machine with hot steam humidifier for the cooling and humidification of a Data Center.


Assumptions : 2450 h/year usage time, air flow of 10.000 m³/h, group entry (27°C, 50% RH), group outlet (23°C, 70% RH).


Conclusions :

  • On sales or renting, the financial advantage of Microniser® is substancial even under these unfavourable conditions. In this example, the operating costs of the Microniser® is 16 times lower than that of the refrigerating machine with hot steam.

  • It is also worth noting that the Microniser installation can be added to your existing installation. As presented in the financial comparison, a Microniser installation will pay for itself in less than one year and your existing installation can stay as a simple inactive back-up. By renting Microniser you can make immediate savings without unlocking an investment budget.


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