Microniser is a lot cheaper than other available systems thanks to its very low operating costs.
Two examples are presented hereafter under conditions deliberately unfavorable to Microniser. Higher air and/or water flow, longer usage time, etc., would further accentuate the lead of Microniser.
For all the details or to get a comparison specific for your installation, please contact us or download our documentation.
Microniser compared to air washer and hot steam systems in a humidification box.
Assumptions : 1750 h/year usage time, air flow of 10.000 m³/h, average climatic conditions in Uccle.
Conclusions :
On sales or renting, the financial advantage of Microniser® is substancial even under these unfavourable conditions. In this example, thanks the Rational Use of Energy and its low maintenance costs, the energy bill of the Microniser® is 8 times lower than that of the hot steam.
It is also worth noting that the Microniser installation can be added to your existing installation. As presented in the financial comparison, a Microniser installation will pay for itself in less than two years and your existing installation can stay as a simple inactive back-up. By renting Microniser you can make immediate savings without unlocking an investment budget.

Cheaper thanks to low operating and maintenance costs

risk of bacterial proliferation

Very high electricity consumption

Cheaper thanks to low operating and maintenance costs

Costs comparison humidification in HVAC: investment and operational costs.

Costs comparison humidification in HVAC: investment and operational costs.
Microniser compared to a refrigerating machine with hot steam humidifier for the cooling and humidification of a Data Center.
Assumptions : 2450 h/year usage time, air flow of 10.000 m³/h, group entry (27°C, 50% RH), group outlet (23°C, 70% RH).
Conclusions :
On sales or renting, the financial advantage of Microniser® is substancial even under these unfavourable conditions. In this example, the operating costs of the Microniser® is 16 times lower than that of the refrigerating machine with hot steam.
It is also worth noting that the Microniser installation can be added to your existing installation. As presented in the financial comparison, a Microniser installation will pay for itself in less than one year and your existing installation can stay as a simple inactive back-up. By renting Microniser you can make immediate savings without unlocking an investment budget.

Cheaper thanks to low operating and maintenance costs

Two energy consuming systems

Cheaper thanks to low operating and maintenance costs

for an air flow of 10 000 m³/h

for an air flow of 10 000 m³/h